Category: Events
Lansdowne Christmas Lunch
A fun afternoon with good food, lots of Christmas cheer and carols at Lansdowne #72 Christmas Lunch. Each member of the Christmas Party received a beautiful gift carved by Bro. Felix Kraus – the gift was handed out by Worthy Matron Karen Oaks and Sister Doreen Kraus.
Tales from G.G.C.
This year, General Grand Chapter is being held in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. 24 of us went to Myrtle Beach, 24 of us came home. We lost a lot of sleep while we were there. We had 11 voting delegates, and a couple of first-timers. Vancouver Island was well represented. The Lower Mainland, Interior, Okanogan,…
Eastern Star Cruise to Alaska
The Grand Chapter of BC & Yukon organized a cruise to Alaska starting on the 25th of August. With over 100 people cruising with our group a great time was had by all. Thanks to all the members, families and guests that made this possible. Even though the weather didn’t cooperate we all managed to…
WGM & WGP’s Honour Day
Great turn out of Grand Officers tonight at the Honour Day for the WGM and WGP. Thank you to all who came out to celebrate this event.
Arbutus Chapter BBQ
Arbutus Chapter’s annual BBQ. Despite the rain, just as the men were starting to cook, we had a wonderful time
Florence Chapter at Courtenay Market Days
Florence Chapter #53, promotes O.E.S. at Courtenay Market Days. Several interested ladies stopped by for a chat and more information . Hiram Lodge member Greg was there to support Florence Chapter.
Fraser Chapter Summer BBQ
Fraser Chapter had their Summer BBQ at Sister Mary Gowan’s house. The sun was shining, the shade was refreshing, the company was wonderful and the food was great. Brother Ken Sewell was presented by Sister Pat Reeves with a commemoration of being Grand Representative of Oregon.
Happy Canada Day from Ypres
Canada Day picnic with our youngest participant entertaining everyone!
Ypres at Midsomer Fest
Ypres Chapter is doing a few ‘pop-up’ social events that also support the activities our members are involved with in their lives outside of OES. A small group of us visited the Midsomer Festival sponsored by the Scandanavian Center in Burnaby. Sister Laura is always busy there as a volunteer and she and Murdina are…
- Celebration (1)
- Events (11)
- Fundraiser (5)
- Grand Representatives (13)
- Honour Day (4)
- Initiations (2)
- Official Visits (24)
- Presentations (13)