Category: Presentations
New Honourary Members
Sis. JoAnn Knuttila, WM and Bro. Bill Meagher, WP were pleased to present Sis. Phyllis Hauka, PM, Langley #50 and Sis Margaret Garnier, PM, Electa #20 with honourary memberships in Mizpah #36 in recognition of their continued support. Thank you, Sisters!
70 Year Presentation
Sister Lena Proudfoot, PM and Sister Leanne King, PM presented Sister Freddi Saults, PM with her 70 year pin, on occasion of her 90th birthday!
Grand Chapter Jeopardy
Several Chapters were interested in the Jeopardy games played at the School of Instructions. Please log in to view the files!
70 Year Presentation
Sister Margaret McHattie of Ypres Chapter celebrated her 70 years with Eastern Star.
60 Year Pin Presentation
Worthy Matron Norma (Rusty) Dalke of Adah Chapter #16 in Kamloops presented Organist Vivian Hildebrand her 60 year membership pin.
Honour Day – Patti Flanagan & Janette Fraser plus 50 year presentations!
Two 50 year pins were handed out on October 12th to Sister Janette Fraser and Penny Fisher during Ypres’ meeting. Sister Patti Flanagan and Janette Fraser were also honoured for their appointments as Grand Representatives. Congratulations!
Grand Representative to Tennesse
Introducing Sister Sylvia Bochus newest Grand Representative to Tennessee.
25 Year Pin Presentation
WGM Bonnie-Jean Foulds and WGP Terry Foulds presenting Brother Dennis Ahlstrom with his 25 year pin at Turtle Lake, Saskatchewan
- Celebration (1)
- Events (11)
- Fundraiser (5)
- Grand Representatives (8)
- Honour Day (4)
- Initiations (2)
- Official Visits (24)
- Presentations (13)