Our Charities

Charitable Works  of the Order of the Eastern Star

Our Projects in this jurisdiction are as follows:

  • THE CANCER PROJECT of the Grand Chapter of British Columbia & Yukon, Order of the Eastern Star is for:
    • GRACE SHANE BURSARY – given to doctors who go abroad to learn new treatments, procedures, techniques, and prostheses, and return to share their new knowledge to the cancer clinics here.
    • CANCER RESEARCH – purchase of equipment for cancer clinics
    • ERMA BOYCE LIBRARY FUND – meant for education – books, TVs, VCRs, and tapes in the patients’ rooms to show what procedures are necessary for treatment.
  • E.S.T.A.R.L. AWARD (Eastern Star Training Award for Religious Leadership)
    • These awards are made to assist students who are  permanent residents of British Columbia or Yukon and attending or plan to attend an Accredited School of Theology in Canada on a full time or part time basis. 
    • Bursaries are available for students who are relatives of our members and have completed at least two years towards an undergraduate degree. 
  • WORTHY GRAND MATRON’S SPECIAL PROJECT – Chosen each annual term.
    • Each year, the W.G.M. chooses an item or items as her special project
    • 2023-2024: Acute Myeloid Leukemia Research Project
    • 2022-2023: Acute Myeloid Leukemia Research Project
    • 2021-2022: Provincial Patient Comfort Fund
    • 2019-2021: Prostate Cancer and Prince George Cancer Clinic Comfort Fund
    • 2018-2019: The Pacific Autism Family Network; the Alzheimer Society Family Support & Education; the Erma Boyce Memorial Library
    • 2017-2018: The Honour House Society – a temporary home away from home for Canadian Forces personnel, emergency services personnel and their families to stay, completely free of charge, while they are receiving medical care and treatment in the Metro Vancouver and Kamloops area.
    • 2016-2017: Membership, Publicity, and Promotion
    • 2015-2016: The Children’s Wish Foundation
    • 2014-2015: Local Transition Houses, Safe Homes, and Second Stage Housing facilities
    • 2013-2014: The B.C. Childrens’ Hospital Foundation
    • 2012-2013: The Professional Fire Fighters’ Burn Fund
    • 2011-2012: Equipment for B.C. Childrens’ Hospital
    • 2010-2011: Website “Cancer in my Family” – The site is designed for children between the ages of 6 and 12 years of age whose parents or grandparents have been diagnosed with cancer. It Gives these children somewhere to go for the answers that they would otherwise feel uncomfortable about asking those who were diagnosed with that terrible disease.
    • 2009-2010: The project was to relieve women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. The BC Cancer Agency – Centre for the Southern Interior in Kelowna has identified that delays between diagnosis and surgery can be more than 11 weeks; and wait times to receive therapeutic treatment can be a further six weeks. The existing system is seen by patients as fragmented and therefore difficult to navigate. Hence, the Rapid Breast Diagnosis Centre came into being. Funds were needed to support the space allocation, the acquisition of computers and phones with the establishment of a charting and reporting system back to family physicians and surgeons.
    • 2008-2009: The Quality Dosimetry Plus System for the Cancer Centre in Kelowna. A dosimeter monitors the amount and intensity of the radiation beam so that the patient receives the correct amount of radiation at the tumour while decreasing the dose to the surrounding organs, thus improving the likelihood of a cure while reducing side effects.
    • 2007-2008: An Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy Quality Assurance Phantom located at the newly opened Abbotsford Regional Hospital and Cancer Centre. This Quality Assurance Phantom is a model simulating human body, which contributes greatly to the planning and delivery of radiation therapy.
    • The Foster Secretary Association (consisting primarily of Chapter secretaries) of British Columbia & Yukon, Order of the Eastern Star.
    • Years ago, chapter secretaries began saving cancelled stamps, and now many members of the Order of the Eastern Star in this jurisdiction collect used POSTAGE STAMPS for the Foster Secretary Association to raise funds.
    • The Foster Secretary Association donates the proceeds to the charity of its choice – the Cancer Fund

Each year, the Order of the Eastern Star donates thousands of dollars to these established projects.

In addition to the above, our chapters are active in their respective communities as well, by supporting local community programs and activities.

Also, in British Columbia and Yukon, we have the O.E.S. Auxiliary – a group which maintains and loans Medical Equipment to Members of the Order of the Eastern Star and their relatives. Equipment such as wheel chairs and other physical aid equipment is stored in depots located in Victoria, Duncan, Burnaby, Chilliwack, Kelowna, and Prince George.



23Feb12:00 pmLangley #50 Paint PartyCost is $30.00 per person, all painting supplies provided. Make payment to langley50oes@gmail.com and reserve your space by RSVP Jan Ilott

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16Mar2:00 pmOpen Installation – Florence #53Open Installation of Officers for 2024-2025

22Mar2:00 pmOpen Installation – Arbutus Chapter #68

23Mar2:00 pmOpen Installation – Sunset Chapter #44

27Mar2:00 pm4:00 pmIsland Grand Officers Honour DayGrand Chaplain, Sister Cynthia Hague (4) PM, Grand Lecturer, Sister Deb Buxton (44) PGM-AB GGCCM-Alzheimer's, Grand Sentinel, Brother Brian Evans (10) PP

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03Apr7:00 pmOpen Installation – Cresent #10

05Apr1:00 pmHonour Day for Sister Lorraine CollinsGrand Marshal. Dress is casual. RSVP jcguild@telus.net

12Apr2:00 pmHonour DayFor Sister Sharon Hards – Grand Ruth

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